David Pacifici

Company: Berkley Construction Professionals
Job title: Senior Vice President
Panel Session: Navigating the Insurance Needed for Improved Cost Efficiency & Risk Mitigation 4:25 pm
Understanding the unique insurance needs and solutions for IPD, recognizing the need for specialized expertise. Assessing professional liability, sub-trade default insurance, and comprehensive liability as insurance options Integrating insurance considerations early in project planning to adapt to rapidly changing insurance costs and availability, proactively managing risksRead more
day: Day Two
Proposing A New Solution for the Challenges of Professional Liability Insurance for IPD Projects 9:30 am
Recognizing the potential professional liability exposures for all stakeholders involved in IPD projects. Identifying the key professional liability insurance challenges with IPD projects. Understanding the key coverage differentiators in this new protective professional and indemnification loss insurance for IPD projectsRead more
day: Day One